4 Instagram influencers you need to follow
Looking to get your social media space more inclusive? Then open your app, type these names in and we guarantee you won’t be disappointed…
Image courtesy of @bodyposipanda via Instagram
1. Megan Crabbe (@bodyposipanda)
One of the founding influencers of the body positive movement is Megan Crabbe. Having found the beginnings of the cause when scrolling through Instagram a few years ago, she found a light at the end of her body image tunnel and she knew she had something to offer in the space. Now a bestselling author on the topic, with over a million followers on Instagram alone, Crabbe has solidified her name in the game. Her bio on the platform promises you’ll find out about “body positivity, feminism and how dogs are better than humans” all in one space.
Expect lots of colour, plenty of advice and daily reminders as for why we could all stand to love ourselves a bit more.
Image courtesy of @emmatamsinhill via Instagram
2. Emma Hill (@emmatamsinhill)
This YouTuber, presenter, stylist and founder of an inclusive fashion brand really does it all. If she’s not discussing diversity in the media, she’s posting pictures of herself in whatever the hell she wants to wear and reminding you to do just the same. Her brand, All Body UK, has one of the most diverse, inclusive Instagram pages also – featuring women of all shapes, sizes, races, sexualities – and you can find the link to it through her bio.
Follow her for reinventive styling tips, learning body gratitude and a level of honesty you’ll wish everyone had soon enough.
Image courtesy of @nerdabouttown via Instagram
3. Steohanie Yeboah (@nerdabouttown)
A massive influence in the black and minority ethnic, all- size fashion and fat acceptance scene is Stephanie Yeboah. Her outfit posts will have you have dribbling and reaching for your purse before you know what’s hit you, but you’ll stay to watch the beautiful journey of body acceptance that she’s on. Heartfelt captions on the realities of life in a marginalised body are mixed in with posts aimed at reminding you of your worth every day, and will brighten up your feed no matter what.
Explore her page for unapologetic self-love, unfiltered thoughts on fashion and a rundown on why love for you should always come before your love for anything else.
Image courtesy of @scarrednotscared via Instagram
4. Michelle Elman (@scarrednotscared)
Ted Talk speaker, body confidence coach, podcast host and all-around bad-ass, Michelle Elman is a force to be reckoned with. On your worst days, allow her uplift you with advice for reclaiming yourself from a culture that teaches us we’re not good until we’re perfect – and watch on as she fearlessly faces the world scarred body-first.
Expect an empowering mix of fashionable content, advice on recovery from disordered eating and helpful tips on taking the next steps in your body confidence journey.